Thursday 12 May 2011

Amateur Photographer of the year 2011

It wasn't until a month or two after that I found out I was in the top 50 finalists for round 1 of APOY 2011. Was quite impressed and wanted to see it, so I got on to the back issues team at the mag and had a copy sent over, pretty good seen as it's a terrible picture, it was meant to be portrait with a big north star trail but it clouded over after I did the lighting and had to cut it short, I was left with a ton of negative space and it looked rubbish so I cropped it in to a landscape which Is still good quallity when you shoot on a 5dmkii. Doing this made the image incredibly flat but was the only image I had taken this year that was elible for that round so I put it in and did alright. :)

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