Monday 20 December 2010

Where did it all begin?

The only reason I am so in love with photography, night photography and making films is because of my Grandpa, John Gilbert Jones, photography and astronomy was his life and it is something I have inherited. Unfortunately I was only just starting to get interested in photography when he died. I inherited all of his photography equipment and this started to fuel my obsession.

For the first few years I photographed and filmed me and my friends skateboarding using the camera I had inherited from my grandpa and some 35mm film, it really helped me to understand shutter speeds and apertures and it’s relation to the subject matter.

Me - photo by Stuart Turner

After doing terribly in my GCSE’s It confirmed the fact that I am not academic at all and the only thing I really understood was cameras so I enrolled myself at college doing Media and a Photography A-level. Throughout college my love for film deteriorated and my love for photography increased. After my Media I went back to college to do Photography because I didn’t want to go to university just yet and I did not want a 9-5. Once again my love for photography was confirmed and I came out of my shell even more.

In 2007 I started night photography and soon after I coined the word Noctography and made it my mission to make it as well known as possible to try and get the word in to the dictionary and actually make a credible name for myself.

Burn out - one of the first night pictures I ever took.

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