Saturday 30 April 2011

Light Up The Darkness

Light Up The Darkness by [Nocturne]
Light Up The Darkness, a photo by [Nocturne] on Flickr.

Again something i've been meaning to do more of, get infront of the camera and do more self portraits at night, quite a skill as well I might add, star trails portraiture is quite tricky, this one is actually quite a lot of photoshop so I am sorry in advance, this is a composite of 3 images. Thanks to Phil for lighting the shot of me. The other is of the Truck from the same trip, and the final shot is of some Light Writing my wife did for me.

Light up the darkness is one of my motos for Noctography, I think it works well on many levels.

"The people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off, why should I? Light up the darkness."

For me Night photography isn't a hobby, it's not even something I do to pass time, it's something I have to do, I am compelled to do it, I have to, it is an addiction and a lifestyle. It consumes me, it is inside me and I belong to it. It has a certain power over me that I cannot resist. It has brought me to the edge of destruction and back, it has nearly ended my life and I still lust after it, night after night.

I don't know if anyone else feels this way?

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